This double-cream cheese, as Sunny Cheese puts it, "is some dangerous cheese here." Tremendously rich and flavorful, buttery and creamy to the n-th degree. As Brucie Cheese said, "This is what I imagine French cheese would be like if I had never been to France, but someone described it to me. Perfect."
This cheese has some serious ooze and ah's.
We paired this cheese with 365 Organic Wheat Squares and a 2009 Gouguenheim Malbec.
Brucie Cheese gives it a....9.8
Sunny Cheese gives it a...9.5
As testament to our halfway mark, we reflected on the past 25 cheeses, noting, that not one has yet achieved the ultimate 10 rating....the zenith...the pinnacle...the cheese of cheese. Many have come close, including this week. Our quest continues...