A bombed sheep? No, it's a Drunken Goat from Spain. This staggeringly good goat cheese is soaked in "Doble Pasta" red wine for 72 hours, giving it's rind the unique purple hue. (B and S are occasionally purple for the same reason...) It is a semi-firm cheese with a very distinctive flavor--slightly sweet, yet mild. As usual, Wheat Thins are the recommended accompaniment.
Brucie Cheese gives it a ....9.2
Sunnie Cheese gives it a....9.0
Wheat Thins are the preferred wh-eat-able cracker and not its alternative, the taste-less Triscuit.
ReplyDeleteYes, agreed ! My opinion is that Triscuits are to crackers as cardboard is to boxes... Truth be told, I would rather eat cardboard ! Wheat Thins rule...