This nutty cheese hits you right away. It's not the same color as most cheddars. This complex cheese is, as Brucie Cheese claims "One of the best American Cheeses he has ever had." We paired this Cheese with the usual Wheat Thin and the Classic Franciscan. It starts out with the same kind of texture as a Reggiano, yet soon melts into a delectable treat of the mouth, it's slightly gritty - which Brucie Cheese has researched to be a result of crystallized proteins - with a sweet after taste.
Brucie Cheese gives it a .... 9.8!!
Sunnie Cheese gives it a .... 8.9!!
Guest Cheese Taster, Mundi Cheese, gives it a .... 9.0!!!
Glad we made the cheese tasting lineup :) Thanks for the Cabot love!